Bicton Primary School promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment.

School Uniform


Uniform Policy

The School Board of Bicton Primary School has established a uniform policy for all K-6 students attending the School.

As from 31st January, 2022 the new school uniform endorsed by the School Board in 2020 will need to be worn.

The School Board believes a uniform policy:

  • Fosters and enhances the public image of the school
  • Assists in building school and team spirit
  • Ensures students are safely dressed for specific school activities
  • Encourages equity among students and limits competitive dressing
  • Ensures students are easily recognised when outside of the school grounds for safety reasons
  • Prepares students for work, as many work places have dress and safety codes
  • Ensures safety of students during Physical Education

Uniform Enrolment Procedures

  • Parents and students are informed of the school’s uniform policy at the time of enrolment
  • Any grounds for exemption will be raised and agreement reached with the Principal at this time
  • Acceptance of enrolment at Bicton Primary School assumes an agreement that the enrolling student will dress within the requirements of the uniform policy, including any negotiated exemptions.

Availability of Uniforms Items

  • All items in the designated school colours of gold and royal blue, with school logos, can be purchased through Nell Gray Uniform Concepts either online or from the Willetton Super Store
  • Second hand school clothes are available through parent social media groups via the P&C
  • Families experiencing financial difficulties with regards to purchasing the school uniform are welcome to contact the Principal and every effort will be made to support when needed.

Modifications to the Uniform Policy

Students/parents, who, for religious, cultural, health reasons or any other matter which, in the Principal’s opinion, is sufficient to exempt the student from complying with the requirement, may gain permission for modification. Staff will be informed of any student granted a modification to the uniform policy.

The Principal may revoke or vary an exemption given at any time and inform persons affected in writing of the revocation or variation.

Procedures for Not Following Uniform Policy

Students, and their parents, not following the uniform policy will receive:

  • Encouragement from a designated staff member on the benefits of a uniform policy, and counselling for the student or parent as appropriate
  • Support in obtaining suitable clothing, if necessary
  • An exemption for an agreed length of time for dress modification
  • A phone call or letter home to parents of students not wearing uniform
  • A meeting with the Principal to discuss repeated instances of not following the uniform policy

Students, who have access to uniforms but are not following the uniform policy, may be denied the opportunity to represent their school at official school activities, which includes activities such as; assemblies, excursions, sporting, social events, choir and camp.

Uniform Requirements

At a minimum the students are required to wear the school Blue and Gold Polo T-shirt and the skort, shorts, dress or track pants with the school logo. Students must also wear appropriate footwear as outlined below and a Bucket Hat with their faction colour on the reverse side.

  • Blue and Gold polo T-shirt with collar and school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Year 6 ‘Leavers’ Polo Shirt’ (Only for Year 6 Students)
  • Royal blue school jacket with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Royal blue school fleece jacket with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Royal blue school track pants with gold piping and school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Royal blue ‘skort’ (short/skirt) with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Royal blue shorts with gold piping ‘micro fibre’ with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • School check dress with gold piping and school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Faction T-shirt (Blue, Gold, Red and Green) with collar and school logo to be worn at carnivals and on Faction Friday (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Bucket hat with faction colours on the reverse side with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Only Royal blue tights (with feet) to be worn under dresses and skorts
  • Royal blue school scarf with school logo (Available only from Nell Gray Uniform Concepts)
  • Pre-Primary to Year 6 to wear full school uniform
  • Kindergarten students wear the ‘Kindy shirt” and full school uniform
  • Appropriate footwear suitable for vigorous activity
  • School leaders wear predominantly white, blue or black footwear for leadership role events and occasions (e.g. assemblies, ANZAC Services and official events)
  • No long sleeve shirts are to be worn under polo shirts
  • Choir Uniform to consist of black choir shirt, black pants and black shoes

Further Dress Requirements

  • Hats are to be worn all year round. Parents/students should ensure that all students wear Bucket Hats with school logo (as sold by only Nell Gray Uniform Concepts) when outdoors
  • Only natural coloured hair is permitted
  • Earrings: only sleepers or studs are suitable to wear
  • Jewellery, other than earrings, is not permitted at school
  • Smart watches (with or without wifi access) are not to be worn to school
  • Make up and nail polish are not appropriate at school
  • Shoulder length or longer hair must be tied back for health concerns
  • Full, half and three quarter leggings are not acceptable school uniform
  • Enclosed shoes, such as sneakers/runners, must be worn for Physical Education
  • Sandals and open toe shoes must have a back strap and be securely fastened to the foot (E.g no thongs or thong like sandals)
  • Body piercing is not permitted (excluding single pierced ears)



