Bicton Primary School promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment.


Bicton Primary School’s instrumental music program is conducted by the Department of Education’s Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS). IMSS provides instrumental instruction, ensemble direction, and instrumental loan, maintenance and repair services.

At Bicton Primary School we offer instrumental instruction for students in brass, guitar and flute.

Students are selected based primarily on results of an aural musical aptitude test conducted at the end of Term 3 each year for all students in years 2, 3 and 4. Selections are made in consultation between the music specialist, IMSS teachers and classroom teachers taking into account attitude and behaviour in the classroom and in music lessons.

If your child is selected, this outstanding program will take your child’s love of music to the next level. Free weekly lessons are conducted during school hours by the specialist instrument teachers from IMSS. Students are then offered opportunities to perform at a variety of functions, such as assemblies and award presentations.

Find out more about the IMSS program here.




