Bicton Primary School promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment.
Home / Our School / Our Vision, Values, Mission
To nurture, inspire and achieve success.
Bicton Primary School exists to develop our children to be creative, positive and independent people. We aim for personal excellence based on recognition of individual differences, supported by a positive learning environment of developmentally appropriate instruction.
Our school promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment. Each student’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers and community members actively involved in our school life.
By promoting high standards and expectations we all share the responsibility for achieving the school vision.
Being the best person you can be, and dreaming big.
Bouncing back after challenges and accepting things happen that we can’t always control
Caring about everyone and the world around us
Making positive choices for yourself, others and the environment