Bicton Primary School promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment.


Canteen Menu

Order online here.

Canteen menu – from 16.07.23

Bicton Primary School Canteen Guideline:


To provide guidelines for the school canteen in providing a food service to students and staff that meets their nutritional needs, promotes healthy food, is part of a whole school approach, and is affordable and financially sustainable.

Scope of Policy

This policy applies to the operators of the School canteen, as well as external suppliers and contractors of food services. The Bicton Primary School canteen and/or food supplier will comply with the requirements of the WA Government’s policy and standards for healthy food and drink choices (see Appendices).

Whole School Approach & Involvement

Childhood obesity is now recognised as a world-wide epidemic. Bicton Primary School takes a whole school approach to provide consistent messages through the curriculum, social and physical environments. The school canteen can model healthier food and drink choices that are tasty and affordable and reinforce the nutritional messages being taught in the classroom. This helps equip students with the knowledge to continue to make healthy choices throughout their adult lives.

Canteen Management

The Bicton Primary School canteen operates with one paid position two days per week. In order to operate cost-effectively, it relies on volunteers for staffing required. The canteen committee (appointed by the P&C) participates in the decision making process for the canteen – menus, pricing, purchasing and maintenance of equipment, volunteers, etc. The Canteen committee meets each term (or more often as required) and regularly consults with the P&C and the Principal. Information is circulated to the school community via reports to the P&C and the school newsletter. All discounts, allowances, complimentary articles, gift concessions and the proceeds thereof from any supplier of goods or services, directly or indirectly, to the canteen shall remain the property of the canteen and be properly recorded and later accounted for at the time of stocktaking. All food must be labelled with high risk allergens (e.g. Peanuts and tree nuts, shellfish and fish, milk, egg). Parents/Carers need to be advised if food from the canteen contains traces of allergens.



