Bicton Primary School promotes a respectful, nurturing, and supportive environment.


Science is a key focus at Bicton and one way that our school is becoming a distinctive school in our local area. Our science program challenges students to hypothesise, inquire and answer important questions about the biological, physical and technical world. Science is a dynamic, collaborative and highly engaging subject that creates a desire to make sense of the world through exploring the unknown, investigating, making predictions and solving problems. Our students develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, practices used to develop scientific knowledge, science contributions to society and the applications in our lives. Our students are also able to engage in complex and interesting science experiments in our purpose-built science lab.

A small snapshot of key focuses and strategies Bicton is employing to continue to build our Science programs and pedagogy are:

  • Use the Primary Connections program to teach Science and integrate cross-curricular where possible.
  • Develop a yearly overview to guide topic and skill coverage to ensure accountability.
  • Develop Bicton Science Vocabulary list to inform classroom Word Walls to raise scientific literacy profile.
  • Develop common experiment design and reporting process (Questioning and predicting, planning and conducting, Processing and analysing, evaluating, communicating).
  • Continue working with community experts to build the scientific program and link with outside agencies and companies.
  • Professional learning sessions to be conducted with staff on the integration of other curriculum areas (eg Digital Technology-Math).
  • Curriculum leader to manage and oversee whole school, year level planning and review.


Bicton Primary School places importance on sustainable processes and practices within our school and the local community.

Our aim is to raise our students’ awareness of environmental issues and empower them to make a difference as good global citizens.  As such, the school has implemented several initiatives and programs to make a collective impact.

Containers for Change

Our school has chosen to become a donation point for Containers for Change. This means accepted 10¢ containers can be dropped off and donated to our school giving containers to have the chance to live its potential, again and again.

Solar Panels

The school has several solar panels installed on the roof of the Administration Block to reduce our reliance on grid power.

Your Move program

In 2024 Bicton Primary successfully applied for The Your Move program.  This program aims to increase the numbers of student who ride, or use transport other than cars, to attend school.




